Thursday, November 20, 2008

strangers fallout and clips!

it seems a lot of my 'strangers' fears are being substantiated.

the link below navigates to a review below of the movie, from my favorite english-language moscow newspaper, which i read religiously while i studied there. it seems the movie has changed a lot from what we originally shot, and from what our director told us of his vision. the reviews look to be pretty bad across the board!

i'm also a little pissed off to see the lack of creativity in the way they ripped off the design of the main 'strangers' poster from a 2004 jim caviezel movie.

here are some clips of the movie. after watching one, you can navigate to the others. i haven't watched all of them, and none of them with sound yet, since i'm at work. i don't know whether they are PG or R, fyi.

 i still find all of this fun! and i'll still enjoy watching the DVD, if they ever send it to us.

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