Wednesday, October 24, 2007


getting back on my feet here in nyc, gearing up for hitting the streets (i.e. auditions) as an aspiring actor. on thursday, i have a private 'callback' audition for a really great gig- i'm doing a lot of preparation for it (3 new shakespeare monologues!).

putting in an order for a second set of headshots- my new agent wants me to have two different pics, for two different 'looks.'

if you're really masochistic, want to see the anatomy of a headshot shoot, or just love staring at my face, you can see the best 150 shots from my photo shoot at follow the tiny link at the bottom for 'photoshoot client access' and find my gallery under headshots. the password is 'Neil' with a capital n.

i will keep posting updates every now and again- if anybody is out there still reading, thanks!

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