Tuesday, August 23, 2005

just like that? you're walking out on me?

I'm in the last week of my first session at A.R.T. It's been a lightning-quick two months, and yet it's amazing how far we've come in this time.

I can spell in two new alphabets: the Russian alphabet and I.P.A. annotation. (IPA stands for International Phonetic Alphabet- with IPA one can essentially 'spell' pronunciation for any word, including every word in English in every single potential dialect in which an actor might wish to speak it.)

I can do a headstand, a handstand, four kinds of bridges, ambulating bridges (forwards, backwards, and rolling), a chair roll, a crocodile, a jumping crocodile, a backwards somersault, a running somersault, a fish flop, a flying caterpillar, and a Russian cartwheel!

I've learned how to let my body tremor in 6 different positions in order to encourage the breath response that is perfect for voice work.

I can count, make small talk, and describe simply in Russian.

After two months of basic exercises and ensemble-building in daily acting classes, I've become unnaturally close to 18 exciting, challenging, and fantastic people.

And this was the 'light' term!

I can't wait to see what September brings.

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