Monday, December 22, 2008

da lat pt. 2

830 AM here tuesday the 23rd. in the business centre of the sofitel da lat palace and preparing to set out for today's bicycle journey in half an hour.
we're doing 40km or so today, which is not so much for many cyclists, but it's plenty for me! this is hilly country. we're biking in and out from the hotel today, and staying again in da lat. the next day we head to the coast.
last night we met the GM of the hotel, a congenial new zealander, who told us a little of the history of da lat, which they call 'le petit paris.' it's a beautiful and mountainous area, that has suffered very little from any of vietnam's series of wars and military conflicts because it just isn't a strategically advantageous location. we took the vans to one of the hundred or so french villas that was constructed here. this one is owned by the hotel and earmarked as the lodging for the GM, but he hasn't moved in. we feasted on vietnamese barbecue and other treats. i stuffed my face with venison skewers, prawns, and fried rice. there was a sous chef at a little station that was identical to any omelette-maker you've seen in hotel buffets. but he was making scallion pancakes to order! it was tasty.
we were konked out before ten, and of course we woke up pormptly at 430 AM. that schedule works out ok- the vietnamese are very early risers, and, in da lat, 8pm feels like midnight. (saigon less so)
i saw a couple neat pictures of dad's wedding! i'm taking pictures here, but i can't post any until i find the right slot on one of these cpus.
thanks for reading! merry xmas!

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