Monday, December 10, 2007

from cairo to cambridge (with a layover in moscow)

it's been a month since my last confession. i mean post. and a lot has happened!!

the great news is i'll be headed to cambridge on january 2 to start rehearsals for 'julius caesar' at the american repertory theatre. i've been to many auditions in the past month, but this one was the first one i went to after returning home from cairo. it's awesome to be hired by the a.r.t. again! the show is going to be weird and awesome. it runs from early feb to late march, and i'll be updating this blog during the rehearsal process.

the medium news is i'm going to moscow this weekend to record audio for the russian film! it's going to be two days of flying and two days of work (for not a lot of money) but it's worth it to me to have my voice in the film. already one of our number has withdrawn, which means a new actress will do her voice... this has very negative repurcussions on the film, and on its potential to be marketed in america.

the bad news is i'm being audited here in fort worth, which is really what the holidays are all about, right? seriously, it's a pain in the booty. if you want to be prepared for an audit, this is what you should do: keep EVERY bank statement on record for five years. on every bank statement notate EVERY deposit and mark whether it was a payment, and if not, where it came from. keep copies of every tax return and every earnings statement. keep detailed receipts of every expense, dated and itemized. all things i SHOULD have done, but also all things i've never heard of anyone doing. and they are practices which i get to start now because a. getting audited is like a financial bar mitsvah, and b. getting audited begets getting audited, i.e., chances are high that i'll get this privilege again in the next couple of years.

and full circle to great news again: at least the audit is an excuse to be home in texas, hanging with dad. we've been baking and decorating and generally being holiday-ey already, and been getting mutually excited to have the family together for xmas. the house is fully anahita-prepared, with high chairs and changing stations and a truckload of toys. all told, anahita, emily, darius, mom, dad, and monica & i will be here for the holiday. that makes me very happy.

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